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Badenoch asks people to report public bodies which fail to offer single-sex spaces

It follows concern that the NHS, local councils and other government organisations are misinterpreting guidance

Kemi Badenoch has urged members of the public to give examples of state bodies failing to provide single-sex spaces.
It follows concern that the NHS, local councils and other government bodies are misinterpreting guidance which states that people should be barred from such places on the basis of their sex and not the gender they identify with.
The Equalities Minister said her action would “tackle any confusion” around who is allowed in lavatories, changing rooms, and female-only fitness classes.
The launch of the “call for input” comes a day after the Health Secretary announced plans to overhaul the NHS constitution to “ensure that biological sex is respected”.
The Department of Health and Social Care said on Tuesday that it is “defining sex as biological sex” with the new document, which underpins NHS care.
Proposed changes will also ensure hospital patients in England have the right to request to be treated on single-sex wards, with transgender people placed in rooms on their own.
The Government Equalities Office said its call for input builds on this, and will move to clear up confusion in what Ms Badenoch described as a “complex” area involving public spaces.
The department said businesses and other organisations can legally provide single and separate-sex services including lavatories, changing rooms, and female-only fitness classes “which exclude transgender people of the opposite biological sex who do not have a Gender Recognition Certificate” and that in some cases those with such certificates can also be excluded.
But the minister said some organisations have been “afraid of backlash if they are seen to get it wrong”, with cases where organisations believe they are required to allow access to such services to self-identifying transgender people.
She said: “Single-sex spaces are essential for ensuring privacy and dignity for women. I do recognise, however, that the law in this area is complex, and I know that some organisations are confused and afraid of backlash if they are seen to get it wrong.
“So I am asking people to submit real-world examples of organisations using incorrect guidance, so that our policymaking continues to tackle any confusion and we ensure single-sex spaces are maintained.”
The call for input runs on the Equality Hub website for eight weeks from Wednesday and covers Great Britain.
